Monday, December 30, 2019

The Conquest Of Cool Common Perception Of The...

The Conquest of Cool examines the common perception of the Sixties counterculture. It questions the idea that the revolution and rebellion of the subculture of the 1960s in America against the consumer driven culture of the 1950s were actually a consumer driven rebellion in and of itself. The book s primary message is to describe how Advertisers and other big business in corporate America such as soda pop bottlers and clothing companies welcomed the counterculture and perhaps were responsible for creating it. Consumer driven industry realized that instant gratification would make this new generation better consumers than their frugal post world war 2 parents. The book hints that the art and creative self-expression of the counterculture in 1960s America was reflected in, and driven by the advertising of the time, suggesting that life imitates art or that advertising imitates the culture. However, the author also suggests that advertisers anticipated the revolution and in part precipi tated the counterculture, creating the culture that it marketed freedom to. We see that the 1950s advertising was characterized by an entity known as, Organization Man.† A fabricated mold that would fit easily in the capitalist machine. During the 1950s ad agencies and advertising companies marketed a lifestyle to fit this most common mold. They tailor-made advertisements to the desires of the subculture as well as corporations. Corporations wanted a safe scientific advertising, yet theShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagesacross the Sahara Desert and the Indian Ocean.11 The movement of Chinese and South Asians before 1820 was generally freer, dominated by traders and short-term debt arrangements. But slave raiding was still common in the waters of Southeast Asia and, like African slavery, grew increasingly common over the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries along with the growth in global commerce.12 Long-distance migration after the middle of the nineteenth century, by contrast, was mostly free. The transatlantic

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Match Fixing - 4067 Words

In organized sports, match fixing, race fixing or sports fixing occurs as a match is played to a completely or partially pre-determined result, violating the rules of the game and often the law. Where the sporting competition in question is a race then the incident is referred to as race fixing. Games that are deliberately lost are sometimes called thrown games. When a team intentionally loses a game, or does not score as high as it can, to obtain a perceived future competitive advantage (for instance, earning a high draft pick) rather than gamblers being involved, the team is often said to have tanked the game instead of having thrown it. In pool hustling, tanking is known as dumping. In sports where a handicap system exists and is†¦show more content†¦If tanking was indeed their strategy, it worked, as the Clippers easily won their first round series. Following the 2006 season, the NBA changed its playoff format so that the best second-place team in each conference would b e able to obtain up to the #2 seed should it have the second-best conference record.[2] On occasion, a National Football League team has also been accused of throwing its final regular-season game in an attempt to choose its possible opponent in the subsequent playoffs. For example, in the closing game of the 2004 season, the Indianapolis Colts faced the Denver Broncos. With a win, the Broncos would advance to the playoffs as a wild card and face the Colts as their first round playoff opponent. It would seem the Colts had little incentive to win as their loss would ensure that they would play a team they dominated in the 2003 Wild Card game. Sure enough, the Colts rested their starters, lost the game, and went on to blow out the Broncos the following week in the playoffs. Perhaps the most notable example of this was when the San Francisco 49ers, who had clinched a playoff berth, lost their regular-season finale in 1988 to the Los Angeles Rams, thereby knocking the New York Giants (who had defeated the 49ers in the playoffs in both 1985 and 1986, also injuring 49er quarterback Joe Montana in the latter years game) out of the postseason on tiebreakers; after the game, Giants quarterback Phil Simms angrily accused the 49ers ofShow MoreRelatedHISTORY OF MATCH FIXING IN INDIA The start to the new millennium was not very auspicious for the900 Words   |  4 PagesHISTORY OF MATCH FIXING IN INDIA The start to the new millennium was not very auspicious for the Cricket world, as were engulfed in a series of match fixing scandals that has left the world socked and bewildered. 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Literature review 5 †¢ Match/spot fixing †¢ Causes †¢ Anti-corruption and security 3. Objectives 10 4. Data analysis 11 5. Read MoreThe American Gaming Association ( Aga )1465 Words   |  6 Pagesaddictions, criminal activity, and affects the integrity of sports in a negative way. Sport betting has been a part of many scandals in American sports. Athletes, coaches, and referees in various sports have been involved in different scandals through fixing games to change the outcome. To ‘fix’ a game is when gamblers predetermine the outcome of a game by paying money to players, referees, or anyone that can change the outcome. For example, in the 1919 Major League Baseball World Series, the ChicagoRead MoreComputer System : A Computer Repair Company984 Words   |  4 PagesBeginning a computer fixing company could quickly be thought about one of the fastest expanding home services in the US. There might be concerns about what abilities you will require, various other than computer system skills you will certainly need in beginning a computer repair company, and also the steps included in getting it off the ground. You will need to comply with a sensible, cautious steps and also plan extremely carefully making certain you recognize exactly what you have to do beforeRead MoreEssay On Ipl1073 Words   |  5 PagesLalit Modi was suspended on 25th April 2010, and replaced by Rajeev Shukla, who is currently the chairman of the IPL. There was another scandal which took place in 2013, which resulted three players being arrested by the Delhi Police for spot fixing and match betting. They were namely Sreesanth,ajit Chandila and Ankeet Chavan. The Board of Control suspended the players. The IPL involves various stakeholders : FIGURE: Stakeholders in the Indian Premier League According to the Stakeholder SalienceRead MoreSex And Gender Socialization : Sex1174 Words   |  5 Pagestaking out the trash, washing the family car, also learn how to change a tire or fix a flat whether it’s their bike or car. Boys learn to become mechanically incline while fixing things with dad. They start learning the names of the various tools located in dad’s tool box or the garage. With dad requesting certain tools while fixing or repairing things. Males learn the tool s purpose, and how they actually worked. A son is also told and instructed to be a man, smart, strong and provide protection forRead MoreFitting And Installing External Bifolding Doors1448 Words   |  6 Pagesand drill your pilot holes through the fixing holes in it from the underside. Then put it to one side for later. The frame is obviously the first and most important part of the process. It will often be shipped to you already built (in which case, skip this step), but if it requires assembly there should be instructions to guide you, as it will vary from frame to frame. Remember to check that everything is square and tight before you move onto actually fixing your frame. Before you reach the nextRead MoreNetwork Troubleshooting Essay1009 Words   |  5 Pagesgateway is explained as â€Å"The address configured in a computer’s IP address settings specifying the address of a router to which the computer can send all packets destined for other networks† (Tomsho, 2011). The default gateway of the computer must match that of the router so that the computer will be able to send packets out to the right location. An example of this might be if a computer in that group wanted to send a file to a different computer within the network, the default gateway would tell

Friday, December 13, 2019

Alexander III Free Essays

string(81) " of workers in industrial areas – and was fairly successful in the matter\." â€Å"In terms of both personality and policies, Alexander Ill did not posses the qualities necessary for a successful ruler of late 19th-century Russia† – to what extent to you agree with this Judgment? Whilst the Judgment could be considered well-founded, its validity is a matter of opinion, depending on how one defines the qualities of a ‘successful ruler’ of Russia in the late sass, which policies contribute to this success and what, overall, makes a Tsar a success or a failure (if the matter can be categorized so dictatorially). Disregarding the technicalities of the Judgment, although Alexander Ill may not have assessed all the qualities that would have classed him as a successful Tsar, he was not entirely lacking in them – nor in his policies – therefore meaning that the statement is not entirely correct. Before discussing what made a successful 19th century Russian autocrat, it must be ascertained what ‘successful’ entails: in this case, it would be achieving the aims of the autocrat/autocracy. We will write a custom essay sample on Alexander III or any similar topic only for you Order Now The primary aim of an autocrat in the sass would be to preserve or extend the autocracy and its power both internally and internationally, meaning that there would be few or no concessions of power and that the Tsar would appear as a forceful, formidable figure to both its allies and enemies and in the eyes of citizens of the Russian Empire in both the motherland and its annexes. This was obviously extremely important to Alexander Ill, given his ‘Manifesto of Unshakeable Autocracy in April 1881. Secondary aims may have varied from Tsar to Tsar but for Alexander these were: the rejection of democracy and the reversal of Alexander SIS liberalism, which fitted neatly with the preservation of autocracy; the removal of opposition that had arisen during Alexander SIS reign, including crushing the threat of revolution; and the economic and industrial modernization of Russia, moving it towards becoming a ‘Great Power’. And of course, he would have to possess the support of the majority Russian people, though this was generally a given, as even – if not especially – those who had never seen the Tsar were convinced of his positions as ‘gods anointed’ and their ‘Little Father’. Depending on how high a regard the Tsar is held in, it could be suggested that humanitarian aims were present however, for the purposes of this essay, this will not be included, as an overview of Alexander Ills reign suggest that whilst he made some inclusion for his workers and subjects, many freedoms and rights were compromised to further the ‘greater good’. Autocracy generally protects the autocrat from criticism of personal traits, though, if in possession of some or lacking in others, it may make the autocrat’s rule easier or harder. To be both a highly autocratic ruler and to be successful, one would have had to appear as both ruthless and honest, likeable yet formidable, as the ‘little father’ to the peasants whilst also appearing as working to protect the upper class and as incredibly patriotic, though not to the extent that it would disadvantage the country. An well rounded education in militarily, state and economic matters, though not technically a personality trait, would also be beneficial for a Tsar to possess, allowing him to be thoughtful and therefore to curb any headstrong impulsiveness he may have had. In terms of policy, depending on the Tsar’s aims, how well they supported of achieved those aims and how well they were received helped his achievement of prosperity in his role as successful and popular policies make for a successful and popular rule. Despite this, it must be noted that although a Tsar had the potential to cake or break the country, advisors often tempered him, especially if those advisors had previously been influential in his life, meaning a Tsar’s successfulness could be down to more than Just his personality or the policies he made. In terms of preserving the autocracy, and reversing the steps towards democracy his father had taken, Alexander Ill was arguably very successful, especially in his dealings with revolutionary groups and opposition in the sass and sass. After his fathers assassination by members of the terrorist group the ‘People’s Will’ – ‘Normandy Volta’ – the Tsar ruthlessly cracked down on groups and organizations hat opposed him through the return of rigid censorship, exiles to Siberia and executions, such as the hanging of Alexandra Llanos and four others in 1887. The policy that allowed his authorities more power in pursuing opposition groups was the 1881 Statute of State Security, which gave the state the power to declare an area of the country under ‘extraordinary protection’ and to therefore impose what essentially amounted to martial law: the banning of public meetings could be banned, the closing and restriction of schools, the extension of powers of the police especially the Koruna) and the arrest of anybody who was deemed ‘liberal’ or in opposition to the regime. Furthermore, whilst the restrictions of censorship were resented by many (especially the revolutionaries, liberals and those calling for social change) it certainly did slow the spread of anti-tsarist ideas that had contributed to the dislike of autocracy and later the assassination of Alexander II. The combination of the restrictions on physically forming opposition groups and the restrictions on the spread of ideologies made it difficult for revolutionaries to even arm groups, let alone for them to actually perform any revolutionary actions. Whilst the methods through which Alexander Ill kept control of Russia were radical, conservative and incredibly harsh, they were no less effective for that and ensured a fairly stable, though oppressive, reign for him making him successful in his preservation of autocracy and the removal of the threat of revolution in his time. Economically and industrially, Russia was lagging behind Europe in the late sass. Alexander Ill intended to change that through a protectionist economic policy, imposing customs duties on imported goods to recover Russian’s economy and allowing rapid industrial and infrastructural growth – the latter intending to an increase in the number of workers in industrial areas – and was fairly successful in the matter. You read "Alexander III" in category "Papers" He was also successfully frugal in accounting in state finances, though Russian’s expenditure on debt was still fairly high. With his ministers Bungee, Witted Yesterdays he achieved his aim of a major boost of progress both economically and industrially, whilst also attempting to improve agricultural production – evidence of this success being the 8% per annum Roth in Russian’s economy. Antithetical to the progress made was the social conditions that went along with it. Living conditions in towns and cities were mostly poor and often factory work paid poorly, leaving poverty, overcrowding and discontent to fester with the workers. In addition to this, though its efficiency improved, agriculture was exploited to the extent that major famines were caused, the largest in 1891 , as emphasis was placed on exporting the agricultural products, rather than letting peasants provide from themselves with them. High taxes were also placed on peasants to fund the instruction of railway lines, such as the Trans-Siberian Railway, and this furthered the poverty experienced by many in both developed and rural areas, though it did allow for improvement in the internal transportation of goods and of people (another successfully achieved aim). There was a definite lack of basic societal care in Alexander Ill, yet he was not entirely negligent in his role of the ‘Little Father’ to his subjects: The Peasant Land Bank was set up in 1883, giving cheap loans to allow peasants to buy their own land; redemption payments were lowered, allowing extremely poor peasants to move emend subsidence farming; and, in towns and cities, factories were legislated with working hours established and an inspectorate employed. In some ways, his work for the ‘greater good’ could be considered more characteristic of a successful Tsar than humanitarianism would be as a Tsar’s first duty was to God and his country, meaning that improvement of the country should be attempted no matter what the cost to its people (who were supposed to shared his loyalties, given his adopted slogan of ‘Nationality, Orthodoxy, Autocracy. As far as foreign policy goes, Alexander Ills title as the ‘Peacekeeper’ Tsar is perhaps s deserved as his fathers title the Tsar ‘Liberator’ was; though his policies successfully kept the peace, it was most likely not for pacifistic, humanitarian reasons (as far as we know, or can deduct) but rather to allow for Russia to improve practically. Evidence of this is that, although diplomatically peaceful, the Tsar opposed doctrines of peace fairly strongly, preferring the view that a nation must be prepared for war in order to avoid it. No major wars occurred during his reign, and given the problems that the Crimean War had left in its wake, this was a definite success on his part. Ensuring a tentative peace with Germany and Austria-Hungary with the Three Emperors’ Alliance with the renewal of it in 1881, Alexander Ill successfully gained security for the first few years of his reign. The circumnavigation of collapse of this from 1885-1887 due to conflict in the Balkans potentially avoided any major problems for Russia and instead left them option to pursue Franco-Russian policy to fill the vacuum left by Russian’s estrangement from Germany Austria-Hungary, earning another success for the Tsar in his foreign policy. Of course, the fact collapse of the Three Emperors’ Alliance, along with the tensions n the Balkans (though a continuance from previous Tsar’s agendas) could be counted as a failing on Alexander part, but this is largely negated by his other successes, such his cautious avoidance of conflict with any European or Asian powers whilst gradually expanding Russian influence and power. Contrary to the success Alexander had with his foreign policy, a domestic policy that mostly failed and caused much resentment with in the Russian Empire was Rustication – the attempted unification of the Russian Empire under one ruler, one religion, one language and one culture. In abstract, Rustication would supposedly eave united the peoples of the Russian Empire and wiped out the threat of revolution and made Russia a dominant power in Europe, however all it did in reality was anger those whose cultures, religions or languages were being repressed, and spawn resentment towards the Tsar in all corners of his Empire. Obviously it was a policy that failed, given that it had been intended to quell revolutionary action and unify the state when, instead, it caused further divisions between the myriad of ethnicities present in Russia and actually grew revolutionary movements in areas like Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine. For Alexander Ill to be classed as successful the personal qualities needed for a ruler and the policies that may have been needed to achieve his aims would have been a balancing act of epic proportions – something that only somebody who had been raised to be a ruler could manage to do with any degree of success. As the second son of Alexander II, Alexander Ill was not expected to become Tsar and was educated only to the standard of a Grand Duke of the period, the finer points of ruling a country were not taught to him until his brother Nicolas died in 1865. Despite him being described as a gruff, narrow minded and fairly crude (Queen Victoria described him as â€Å"a sovereign she does not look upon as a gentleman†) Alexander Ill was of true Russian character: a deeply religious, moral honest man with an imposing figure and fiery temperament. These traits would have fitted the profile of a Tsar fairly well in abstract but, in reality, the coarseness of Alexander character prevented them from being viewed as such. Alexander natural conservatism was likely furthered by the assassination of his father by radicals, and by the influence of Photostatted – his reactionary tutor – ND that the dangers that liberalism connoted, given the numerous attempts on his fathers life, and later on his own. However, conservatism obviously was not a bad trait to possess in the late 19th century, as the previous Tsar’s liberalism had granted freedoms to those who would wish to end autocracy and in return had been granted a caved in skull. Gruffness of nature was characteristic of Alexander and, whilst it may have looked upon degradingly by the other nobles of Europe, it gained him a certain kind of respect from his people as he gave not only an impression of solidity and strength, UT also one of rough-cut solidarity with his people. For an long period of time, the Romano Tsars had been untouchable, not only as divine, but also in the distinctions of class between them and their subjects, therefore having a Tsar who was relatable, but not ‘soft’, as Alexander II may have been thought of as, was highly desirable. As far as being liked or admired as a person, Alexander was well liked by sloppiness and many of the Russian peasants who felt a ruler who was suspicious of the west, highly patriotic and characteristic of the ideal Russian man was one they could purport, and consequently, one who would be successful. On a slightly humorous note, an example of a quality that may have proved endearing to the typical Russian worker was his love of drinking. Even after he was diagnosed with kidney problems and forbidden alcohol by his wife, Alexander continued to drink, using hidden compartments in his boots to store flasks of alcohol that, when his wife left the room, he Jokingly pulled out and swigged from. Alternately, the lack of education and culture Alexander Ill displayed made him seem rather brutish; two traits that did not sit well with the ‘cultured’ gentry who had ivied through the reign of his more cultivated father. Furthermore it seemed to go against autocratic, ruling-class propriety to have a crude, UN-gentlemanly, bear of a man ruling a country that – though tumultuous and uneven in its wealth – produced some of the finest architecture, art, music and literature in the 19th century. The late 19th century was a time when Russia was teetering on the brink of revolution, modernization and industrialization, and in keeping the revolution down whilst advancing the country fiscally was something that Alexander Ill did admirably ell, despite his flaws and failed policies. Though he may not have been a Tsar for the people, nor the ‘Liberator’ his father was he, ensured the security of Russian autocracy for his reign (mostly through repression, at the expense of liberties) therefore making him a successful Tsar overall, contrary to what the statement suggests. Additionally, though conservatism is often painted as a backwards, oppressive political view to hold, it can be argued that for Alexander Ill preserve his rule and economically/industrially bring Russia up to speed – ruling with an iron fist How to cite Alexander III, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Library System free essay sample

When the computer introduced to the people before, some of them doubt the efficacy and some just ignored it. The computer is one of the products of the technology. Nowadays the technology has always new innovation to cope up with the people’s everyday activities. Today we used the computer as part of our daily activities to support our needs for the computation purposes, communications, recording transactions and other things that we will need the computer’s help. Having this machine make our work efficiently and effectively, this make our work faster and less time of doing manual routines just to have an output for our work. Now, Information management is the systems and techniques involved in effectively compiling and manipulating useful data. Schools set the various pedagogical changes to achieve the current level of education in our country. Because of the growing numbers of computer users, this became an effective medium to demonstrate the knowledge and skills of the students. We will write a custom essay sample on Library System or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page From the traditional searching process for the books in the libraries, the interactive usage of computers can be now addressed as part of the library system. Project Context The system will be more helpful the university’s library. This will be more efficient in doing the task in a specific time. The system will be used by the librarian for inventory, recording and other purposes for keeping the information in the library. For them to keep track of their records. The system will interact to the accounting system of the university, for payment purposes of the borrowed books that have a penalty for not returned in a given period. The users of this system will interact to this system by scanning the barcode of the books for inventory and borrowing. Encoding of the description of the books for newly acquired books, and the cataloging of the books. Purpose and Description UNC-LIS is the automation of all data and transactions within the library, it will handle all the information’s and data in the library of the university. The UNL-LIS is an application that allows for the retrieval of metadata of books available in a library data store. The user allows using barcode scanner for inventory the library assets and borrowing of books for easy retrieval of datas. A UNC-LIS for a university keeps track of all unreturned books and periodicals in the library and their check-out status. Checkout and return are automated through a bar code scanner (an external device). The library system also interfaces with an external relational database which stores information about the library users (students and stuff), including whether they have any library items checked out. . Library users can access the catalog and recall books and periodicals. As well as additional capabilities the system can easily generate reports such as listing of unreturned books, borrowed books, students that secured library card and listing of current books.