Monday, May 18, 2020

Planning Your Future - 915 Words

PLANNING MY FUTURE 2 Planning my future is vital to me; it is like designing a solid foundation for me and for my family. During these irregular times in our economy credentials play a vital part on the amount of opportunities that I have access to. In this essay I will talk about what steps I will take and what challenges, accomplishments, and experiences I plan on taking on while implementing this plan in my everyday life. Here we go, why did I want to attend college? I am†¦show more content†¦Growing up using technology will aid me in this endeavor while attending college through the internet. Since I was in Jr. High I have been using the internet to research problems I was having with homework or just using it to aid me in m y work. Being exposed so often to learning online has, without a doubt, become an incredible benefit to me over the years. I think it has instilled a great personal interest in continuously educating myself as well, although I am comfortable learning this way I am starting to learn that I can gain a better understanding of the information made available to me through this course. While in the Army I have acquired a considerable amount knowledge attending NON COMMISIONED OFFICER schools, which has put more systems in place that require soldiers to use technology whether it be creating power point presentations, to training on vehicles through computers, writing reports, or researching data. I will use these skills to help me though my studies, although they are quite different, I feel that IShow MoreRelatedHCS 589 week 1 Strategic Planning Report paper DAB1562 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿ Strategic Planning Report Diedre Brown HCS 589 April 6, 2015 Deborah Laughon Strategic Planning Report A strategic planning report is to explain how the use of the tool will benefit an organization in the health care industry. 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